Assignment #7

Due: March 28th

For this assignment you will be expanding the simple Humans versus Zombies program we've been developing in class.

Include the following features in the Humans versus Zombies program (you may continue building on your current program or start over from one of the on-line versions, on the schedule):

Turn in: Save your project as [scratchname]Zombies3.nlogo. E.g. my project would be saved as tsoule89Zombies3.nlogo (without the []'s). Email the project as an attachment to both TAs. Make the subject of the email CS112Assignment7.

Note: to make the dogs move properly you will need an ifelse statement with a Boolean and, like:
ifelse( count zombies > 0 and (distance (min-one-of zombies [distance myself]) < 3))
[ ;; if part
   ;; Code for dogs to move toward zombies
[ ;; else part
   ;; Code to move toward humans, remember to check if there are any humans left