
General Information
Fall 2018

Instructor: Dr. Terry Soule
Office: JEB 229
Office hours: 10:30-11:20 MWF
Email: tsoule@cs.uidaho.edu

Textbook: There is no textbook for this course, but we will be using the on-line manuals and references: Scratch, NetLogo, and Processing.

Website: www2.cs.uidaho.edu/~cs112/s15/index.html

Computer Science Assisstance Center (CSAC): JEB 211 M-F 9:00-4:00.

Supplimental Instruction: Rian Brumfield (rianb@uidaho.edu). Office hours: JEB 328 Monday 6:00pm-7:00pm; Tuesday 3:30pm-4:30pm; Thursday 5:30pm-6:30pm

Assignments and Expectations: There will be a programming assignment on most weeks. Typical assignments will require 3-6 hours to complete. Many of the assignments will build on previous assignments, so it is important that you don't skip any assignment. Limted extra credit will be awarded for extending programs beyond what is required in the assignment.

There are a number of expectations that apply to any programs turned in:

Late Assignments: Assignments are due at the beginning of lecture. Late assignments will not be accepted without a very good excuse. All programs that are turned in must run. Programs that run, but only meet some of the assignment's criteria, will earn partial credit. Turning in a program that does not run will not earn any credit.

Exams: There will be two midterms and a comprehensive final.

Midterms22% each
Final (comprehensive)25%

Letter grades are assigned on a 10 point scale: 90-100 A, 80-89 B, etc.

University of Idaho Classroom Learning Civility Clause

In any environment in which people gather to learn, it is essential that all members feel as free and safe as possible in their participation. To this end, it is expected that everyone in this course will be treated with mutual respect and civility, with an understanding that all of us (students, instructors, professors, guests, and teaching assistants) will be respectful and civil to one another in discussion, in action, in teaching, and in learning.

Should you feel our classroom interactions do not reflect an environment of civility and respect, you are encouraged to meet with your instructor during office hours to discuss your concern. Additional resources for expression of concern or requesting support include the Dean of Students office and staff (5-6757), the UI Counseling & Testing Center’s confidential services (5-6716), or the UI Office of Human Rights, Access, & Inclusion (5-4285).

Center for Disability Access and Resources (CDAR) Reasonable Accommodations Statement:
• Reasonable accommodations are available for students who have documented temporary or permanent disabilities. All accommodations must be approved through the Center for Disability Access and Resources located in the Bruce M. Pitman Center, Suite 127 in order to notify your instructor(s) as soon as possible regarding accommodation(s) needed for the course.
• Phone: 208-885-6307
• Email: cdar@uidaho.edu
• Website: www.uidaho.edu/current-students/cdar

Academic Integrity and Honesty As a student enrolled at the University of Idaho, you are bound by the UI Student Code of Conduct. Article II, Section A.1 of this code addresses academic honesty.

Academic honesty and integrity are core values at a university and the faculty finds that even one incident of academic dishonesty may merit expulsion. Instructors and students are jointly responsible for maintaining academic standards and integrity in university courses. In addition to any disciplinary sanctions imposed under the Code, additional consequences for academic dishonesty may be imposed by the course instructor, including issuing a grade of “F” in the course. Any grade issued by the course instructor, whether as a result of academic dishonesty or not, constitutes an academic evaluation and is not disciplinary action.

All student should review the full Student Code of Conduct, the discussion of Academic Integrity and additional student resources from the Dean of Student’s website.

The University of Idaho bans firearms from its property with only limited exceptions. One exception applies to persons who hold a valid Idaho enhanced concealed carry license, provided those firearms remain concealed at all times. If an enhanced concealed carry license holder’s firearm is displayed, other than in necessary self-defense, it is a violation of University policy. Please contact local law enforcement (call 911) to report firearms on University property. University of Idaho leadership remains committed to maintaining a safe work, living and learning environment on campus. We will not tolerate any threatening use of firearms or any other weapons. While authorized license holders may have familiarity and be at ease carrying a loaded firearm, we ask that they be aware that many people are not familiar with handguns and are uncomfortable in their presence.