CS 127 Syllabus

Last Revised: January 9, 2007

Introduction to Java
Spring 2007

Dates are not correct. They will be corrected if enough people register.... --- Bruce, January 11, 2007

Instructor: Bruce Bolden
Office: JEB 220
Office Hours: Bruce's Schedule
Email address: bruceb @ cs.uidaho.edu
Class Home Page: CS 127 Home

Text: Core Java 2: Volume 1--Fundamentals, Horstmann/Cornell, Prentice-Hall, 2006.
Earlier texts will be adequate.

Prerequisites: CS 112, Freshman/Sophmore standing.

Chapter(s) Topic Date

1, 2 Introduction/Overview: Applications/Applets January 12
3 Comments, identifiers, keywords, and constants
2 Lab: Simple program

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day---no class January 15
Data types, arithmetic expressions, loops
7 Intro to graphics in Java
Lab: Slightly more complicated program

4 Classes/Objects January 22
Lab: Drawing

7 More AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) February 2
5 Methods (Functions) /Inheritance
Lab: Drawing Objects

Abstract Classes February 9
Review for Exam
Lab: Drawing Objects

President's Day---no class February 16
Exam #1
Lab: Files

Interfaces February 23
Vector Class
Lab: Buttons/Objects

Text files March 1
8 Events/User Interface

8 Event handling March 8
More Events

Spring Break March 15

User Interface March 22
User Interface

UI Components March 29
UI Components

Applets/HTML April 5
7 Applet Parameters

Review for Exam April 12
Exam #2

Review of Exam April 19
5 Reflection

Network files April 26

Other topics May 3
Review for final

Finals May 10

Quizzes: Most Wednesdays (may also be unannounced)

Final Examination:
Wednesday, May 12: 10:00--12:00 AM
