What is HTML?
HTML is an acronym for HyperText Markup Language.
A means to spread information. Originated at CERN.
Platform independent, unlike major word processors.
Text files, nothing proprietary.
Markup languages are not programming languages as such,
although some languages provide the ability to do many
programming tasks.
Other Markup Languages
- RunOff
- troff
- Scribe
- TeX/LaTeX
- PostScript
HTML Documents
Documents are text files containing HTML Tags.
Typical file extensions:
html, htm, and asp.
HTML Basics
- Tags are used to specify how things are to look and behave.
- Tags (commands) start with < and end with >.
- Start tags look like < XX>
- End tags look like < /XX>, where XX represents an
HTML command.
- Tags are supposed to be case insensitive.
Each page should have a title. The title is displayed in
the window title of most browsers.
< title >
< /title >
Comments may be placed in HTML documents.
Comments begin with <!-- and end with -->
Start: < Hn>
End: < /Hn>
break: < br>
paragraph: < p>
Style Tags
There are several important text style tags.
Bold: < b>
Italic: < i>
- This is a bold statement.
- This is an italicized statement.
Several types of lists are supported by HTML.
- Unordered
- < UL>
- < /UL>
- < LI> starts a list item.
- Example:
- Ordered
- < OL>
- < /OL>
- < LI> starts a list item.
- Example:
- Item 1
- Item 2
- External
< A HREF="http://www.cnn.com"> CNN On-line</A>
CNN On-line
- Internal
Embedding Pictures/Sound
Embedding pictures (images) is very easy---the hardest part is
getting the image into the right format and linking to it.
To display the image above, the following commands were used
< img src="../javaimages/javalogo52x88.gif" alt="Java Logo" align=center>
Backgrounds may be set in a manner similar to the display of
images. For example, the background for this page was set
using the following command.
< body background ="../images/bluegrid.gif">
Color Tags
< applet code="estPi.class" width=400 height=390>
To see this applet, you must enable Java.
< /applet>