Spells -- Ordered by Ease and/or Importance
Enabling, underlying functionality
- Given a caster, produce list of units/characters within caster's hex
- Given a caster, produce list of demoralized units within seven hexes
- Given a caster, produce list of enemy non-demoralized units within
seven hexes
- Given a list of units/characters, GUI-select those on which to apply
an effect
- Select # of manna units (<= current available) to expend
- Select hex-sides
Easy, High importance
- Morale
- Rally
- Conjure Zombie Infantry
- The conjure spells introduce military units, almost all the
functionality of which we must support anyway. Zombies seem
out-of-character for some spell casters, and special rules for
the turn conjured sound like a pain
Easy, Low importance
- Manna Transfer
- do some arithmetic on a couple characters' current manna points
- Teleportation protection
- apply a flag to affected units/characters within caster's hex.
use that flag in Teleportation.
Medium difficulty, Medium importance
- Force Wall
- Temporary hex-side traits that prohibit enemy movement and attacks.